Financial IQ - Nobody taught me this
What did you know about property investment 5 years ago? How often have you said to yourself, "If only I knew this was going to happen!". Have you looked at investing in shares recently? Heard about the growth the stock market has had over the last 5 years and wondered how you could've taken advantage and get in on the action?
Welcome 2010 ~ A New Beginning. A New Decade!
Schools don't teach us. Parents don't have the time to spare from working themselves silly in the rat race. Banks, institutes and brokers don't want to teach us more than we need to know. We are their bread and butter. Right? Right!
Financial Intelligence is almost like a dirty phrase. Mainstream practice is that a house is an asset, a car is an asset and endowment policies, unit trusts and bank accounts offer good returns. If you agree then this site is not for you. Carry on regardless!
Here we offer you the opportunity to achieve financial independence by improving your financial IQ. Decide to want a better financial life and have a legacy to leave your family and future generations! Wealth is not determined by how much money you have - it is defined by how long you and your family keep it. The eBook about how to achieve financial independence describes steps that can be taken to financial investment intelligence and wealth creation. Download it by clicking here.
Forex Fund Management Service
We've just launched a Forex Fund management service! Ever thought learning Forex is too time consuming? Too complicated? Well, we teach people that have the time how to trade Forex and manage funds for people who don't!
How does it all work? Well, we have a Forex Pro working on managing funds on behalf of people with money and no time to learn Forex trading. You fund the Forex Account with a minimum of $6000 in your name held in the UK and give permission to Forex Pro to trade Forex Funds on your account.
What are the returns like? Forex Pro has a certified record of profit of over 130% in 2010 with an average return of 6% per month over the last 18 months. Your bank might give you 5% per ANNUM! So, what's the benefit of having the Forex Fund Management? Well, you get an average of 6% per MONTH!!!
How much is that per annum? Well, we've done the numbers: It works out to 72% per annum. Who wouldn't be interested in that kind of return? Find our more about Forex Fund Management services... 
We recently bought GOLD from $1170 to $1250 which turned out very well! We guided our investment members to protect their portfolios by closing all of their equity positions and longs as the Wave 5 Cycle came to an end and the bull run was over. May 2010 seriously lived up to its reputation of the month investors should "Sell in May and Go Away!"
We offer our next Forex Course for beginners called the Forex Kick starter! It will run in October JHB for a course fee of R1950. Visit the Forex Kick Starter course section now for more info!
Our Investment Club Member's recently enjoyed a well deserved BONUS at the end of 2009!
We invested mainly in Platinum Sector stocks over the last 2 months and reaped fantastic stock market profits of 7% in November and 11% on average for December 2009!
We also invested in the Pharmaceutical sector as it proved to be the strongest medium term sector across the stock market for the most part of 2009. Aspen was our choice pick from 4600c and now sits at around 7300c. That's just short of 36% in less than 12 months... Could you afford to miss out on that kind of return?
Our choice pick of base metals miners was Kumba Iron Ore. It proved to be the best medium term stock so far as we initially recommended it at 23200c and now sits above 30500 in less than 6 months. That's a whopping 24%!
You can learn to to invest in shares and make money on the stock market. I think you would agree that now is the time. Make a change and do something about creating wealth for you and your family.
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What now?
There are three master asset classes: business, property and paper. Business takes time but can bring you passive income once it is setup and managed properly. It has inherent issues like labour relations, theft, failure rates of 90% within the first 5 years and only 1 in 10 of the remaining 10% survive the next 5 years. Plus you work harder as a small business owner than you would as an employee. Suffice to say it does give one more freedom and managed properly can become a viable passive earner for you. The ideal is to build a business that will list on the stock market.
Property is an excellent long term asset base to build. It too has inherent challenges like rising interest rates and problem tenants. House prices have increased by only 9% on average according to ABSA in 2006. ABSA's home loan book is the largest of all the banks in SA and they reported only a 9% increase over 2005 prices. Then unless one was holding property 5 years ago, there is inevitably a shortfall to cover out of your pocket. This results in a negative cash flow. It's a tough way to build wealth. Once the property is in the positive it's all good! The trouble is that it could take 3-6 months for you to access your money as property takes time to sell. It's not liquid with easy cash access. The ideal is to use profits from shares and business to invest in your property portfolio over the long term.
The property market has now reported a 3% drop in house prices. As more and more people feel the credit crunch it makes sense in a BIG PICTURE way that more and more people wont be able to buy houses but opt rather to rent. Although owning the house you live in makes a good argument, in times where your bond is costing you twice as much to pay off every month than it would for you to rent your house for, aren't you wasting money?
The house we owned 5 years ago was sold in 2006. We made double our investment back before paying the agent's commission. Fantastic. The bond amount we were paying was R3200 plus the levies of R800 meant we had a cost of housing of R4000. This was for a 2 bed room place with a car port. Currently, the same unit is costing the new owner R7250 in bond repayments plus R800 in levies. A mate still stays in the same complex and he rents for R4000 a month. Does it make financial sense to pay double to own the house that you can rent for 50% less? Don't you agree that it is a better time RIGHT NOW to be renting?
What's the catch? Most people don't set aside the financial saving in the high interest rate times in order to invest it later again. Let's face it, if you are going to rent during high interest rate times you seriously need to set aside the saving you make on not paying the high interest rate on the bond for a house you don't own. That way, you should put the saving away in a high interest/high growth investment so that you have money to use when the property market turns and you are able again to enter with a good deposit in hand!
Paper assets like shares have the superb track record of achieving 27% average return year-on-year for the last 20 years looking at the JSE Overall index. Some companies get suspended and some delisted. The percentage is negligible as the JSE is stringent on criteria for companies to get listed in the first place. The AltX, or Alternative Exchange, is somewhat less strict on their criteria but it is the training ground for companies that want to make it to the JSE. Shares and investing in companies you don't need to run offer a passive growth that beats inflation and requires little time - when you have the knowledge - to invest wisely in the market. Shares offer great returns with little starting capital and pays dividends. The major pulling card with investing in shares is that your money is available within 7 days. It is highly liquid and easy access to cash.
Paper assets and investing in shares is risky, isn't it? Only because the person who told you that probably lost money because they didn't have education in how to buy and sell shares. If you have a code 8 driver's licence does that mean you know how to drive a 18 wheeler truck? I don't think so. So why not get the learner's licence first and pay for your Investor's Financial Driver's Ed lessons before you enter the market? So many people contact us after they go straight into trading Forex or Warrants without any more experience than what they read in a book. They have no share or equity trading experience whatsoever and when asked, have no clue what a Candlestick, MACD or RSI indicator even is. How can one expect to beat the market when you enter it blindfolded?

So, JOIN a CASHFLOW CLUB, Get to know How To Trade Stocks & Learn to Build Businesses right here.
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